Title: Snails Rule: Robert Irwin Announces Snail Species Named After Him Robert Irwin, the 20-year-old conservationist and son of the late Steve Irwin, has been honored with a new discovery - a snail species named after him. This recognition highlights the importance of preserving all species, even those on a much smaller scale[1]. The 'Robert Irwin's Banded Snail,' or ' Figuladra robertirwini' in scientific terms, was discovered in south Queensland and is one of four new land snail species identified within the camaenids group of forest and rock snails[1]. This new species features a dark coloring, with a dark brown body and a shell that showcases a combination of black, dark brown, and light brown colors[1]. The discovery of the Robert Irwin's Banded Snail was a result of a new study conducted by Dr. Lorelle Stanisic, Dr. John Stanisic OAM, and Dr. Frank Köhler, in collaboration with Queensland Museum and Griffith University[1]. The study employed dissectio...